


Hey, I am Coach Amna!

Be Brave . Be Kind . Believe in Yourself

Hey there!

I’m Amna.

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Hey there, to the lovely soul whose reading this my name is Amna and I am thrilled to have you here. Let me tell you a little about myself, I am a Certified Life Coach with a background in Psychology. My passion revolves around the area of Emotional Coaching. My mission is to help you with your emotional healing, personal growth and most importantly make you Beleive in yourself. And helping you solve your challenges.

My Story

I used to be a very emotionally disoriented person. I never knew what working on myself is. I couldn’t grasp the idea of “ Prioritize Yourself ”. I was always there for people around me other than myself. This constant neglect, drowned me in a negative spiral of thoughts and made me live on a ‘Autopilot’ mode. There was constant a flow of self doubt, negative thoughts and a bad mood which included crying, frustration and annoyance.

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My Story

Later than I realised nobody’s, going to help me heal, I have to heal myself. Came across this Life coaching world and realised I have to save myself before saving others. Did the certification, educated myself, worked on myself and still working but now I am on a point where I could help and support amazing people like YOU, going through the same and become the best version of yourself!

Connect with me :

Let me know what your story is!

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My Niche

Niche, is basically the area of my specialization which is Emotional Intelligence Coaching. Emotional intelligence is the ability to use, understand, and manage your own emotions in a positive way.

It can be applied to anyone going through an emotional turmoil, stress, challenges, stuck in overthinking, chatter in your head, fears, limiting beliefs and much more. I know how draining and tiring it can be sometimes but let me assure you, YOU can WIN!!! And I am here to help you.

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Emotional Woman Suffer from Bipolar Disorder

Book yourself a

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Discovery Session

Private Coaching Sesssion

Discovery Session

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Package includes:

  • 3o-45 mins online session.
  • shorter most affordable session.
  • experience the magic of coaching.
  • discuss your intial goals and challenges.
  • discuss if there’s something bothering you.
  • analyze if it aligns with you or not.

Private Session

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Package includes:

  • 3 months ( 1:1 online sessions)
  • 45 mins session.
  • WhatsApp support (text or voice messaging) between Mon-Fri.
  • Deep dive into your emotions, thoughts and challenges.
  • Awareness towards the Core problem.
  • Explore Actionable strategies.

Client Testimonials

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“Emphatic and a Great listener”

Amna has a special ability of being emphatic and her listening skills are great. With the perfect blend of her qualities and coaching abilities. I confidently, recommend her as a life coach!

Sadaff Azam

“Empowers me to recoginze my own self-worth”

Amna excels as a coach, guiding me to recognize and address my triggers, while also empowering me to recognize my own self-worth.

Wendy Bancroft

“Gentle and helps me move foward”

Coach Amna has a gentle caring energy, She is delicate yet asks provoking questions to think about my life that helps me move foward.


Reach out if you’re ready to put yourself on top of your list and I am here to serve you with all my heart and soul.

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